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Pruning trees and shrubs is a vital necessity to maintain their health and safety.

Mostly the best time to prune is the late fall or winter when trees and shrubs are most dormant, but dead branches can and should be removed whenever possible.

Pruning during a trees dormant cycle can lessen sap loss and stress to the tree, and can also minimize risks of fungus or insect infections.

Tree pruning can be accomplished by amateurs, however, pruning incorrectly can damage any tree and larger trees can be very dangerous to prune.

So if you are not familiar with how to properly prune a tree, consider hiring an expert to be safe and sure.

    Important Reasons for continual Tree Pruning -
  • Remove diseased or damaged limbs and branches
  • Thin the tree crown to promote new growth with better air circulation
  • Reduce the height of a tree
  • Remove cluttering or obstructing lower branches
  • Shaping for aesthetic and design purposes

Act now! -
  • Tree pruning is vital to maintain tree and shrub health.

    • Do you need help? -
    • Carson Landscaping is happy to offer you help with your pruning needs.
    • Carson Landscaping is a professionally trained and certified organization.
    • Carson Landscaping is knowledgable, considerate, and willing to meet your needs.

      Let us know if you need help with any pruning project!
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    Street Name:            City:
    State:                                    Phone:
    I'm interested in pruning maintenance from Carson!  
    Specific Questions:

    Pruning Trees is necessary for health
    Pruning trees and shrubs is necessary to maintain health.